Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Week 6 EOTO: Communication Timeline

Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, on August 29, 1997 in Scotts Valley, California.
The two friends came up with the idea when commuting together from their homes to work every day.Hastings was a very successful computer scientist and mathematician and sold his software company, Pure Atria.  He then Invested $2.5 million in start up money for Netflix. The duo admired Amazons online shopping model, coming up with the idea to send the product to the user through the mail. They decided that VHS tapes were too expensive, as well as far too delicate to ship to people. Decided the newly invented (March 1997) DVD’s were the most logical option because of their price and durability.
While the invention of Netflix is amazing to the consumer, many were negatively impacted by it. Television ratings went down, theatre revenue decreased and DVDs would be extinct without Redbox. The service that took the hardest hit is other movie stores. For example, Blockbuster went out of business in 2010 because of its inconvenient services, while still being more expensive than Netflix. In order to rent a Blockbuster movie, you had to go to the store, then drive back and return it within a week. With Netflix, in the beginning you would have the movie shipped to your house, which is still more convenient than Blockbuster. Modern Netflix, as we all know, you do not even have to leave your couch to watch thousands of shows and movies for less than $15 a month, which is what you would pay to rent one movie for a week at Blockbuster. Now Netflix only operated by mailing DVDs in the early years, which was when Netflix and Blockbuster could coexist. However, Netflix began streaming online in 2010, which by no coincidence is when Blockbuster officially went out of business. In 2013, Netflix began producing their own shows and movies, previously paying to use movies produced elsewhere. They developed "House of Cards" which as we all know is very successful, as most people have seen or heard of it. Has made over $20 billion in revenue has shown a lot of change, developing into one of the most popular online media sites we all know and love today.

Week 5 Blog Post


The people on the sites make a lot of great points against war and our strong presence in other countries that they see as unnecessary and I agree with a lot of them.  However, there are many comments on the government spending less money on military.  People believe this should happen because there are countries around the world with very limited armed forces like Costa Rica or no militaries like Liechtenstein who are doing what appears to be just fine.  However, limiting our spending on military is a horrible idea because of the target we have put on our backs.  Yes, if we could go back in time, I would be on board, but if we limited it now, we would be sitting ducks.  Do I agree with our spending on military, as well as our involvement in other countries, no I do not.  But under the circumstances we have put ourselves in, I believe that it is necessary.   There is one specific article about Trump wanting to get all of the troops out of Afghanistan.  This is a wonderful idea that I feel as though most people would be thrilled with, however, in every war, soldiers go missing, getting injured or are captured.  Leaving these troops behind would just be morally wrong. They will think that their country is giving up on them and abandoning them.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 4: Google Antitrust Probe

The Google OCD compulsion | OCD Life

 48 U.S. states launch antitrust investigation into Google

Attorney Generals from 48 States are investigating rumors about Google violating the antitrust law.  The antitrust law is the law against monopolies.  The investigations are about if Google is too dominant in online advertising.  They are seeing if the way they got this dominant was done in an illegal way.  Googles parent company, Alphabet, currently has a market value of about $820 billion, this is because of how many aspects of the internet Google has control over.  
Nine out of ten online searches are done using Google.  The Arkansas Attorney 
General states, "When my daughter is sick and I search online for advice or doctors, I want the best ones — the best advice or the best doctors — not the ones who spent the most on advertising,"  Google purchased a company called DoubleClick which is an advertising company specifically for making ads easy to click on. 

Week 2: Trump's Twitter Blocks Violate First Amendment

Trump's Twitter Blocks Violate First Amendment

President Trump blocked numerous critics on Twitter.  Public Officials should not be on social media to do anything other than post pictures of them and their families, however, we know that President Trump would not agree with me. As most of us know, Trump posts pretty much whatever he wants, and it seems as though no one is monitoring what he does post.  A lot of the things he says are not things that the leader of our country should be saying.  Anyone who is as bold as this man will get many critics, as you can not please everyone.  The Supreme Court decided that President Trump was violating the first amendment blocking these critics.  This is because he Tweets are about administration and different policies that he passes.  Every citizen has the right to see those posts, because it does have to do with what is going on with our country. The Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional, and made it so the President can defend himself less through the use of social media.