Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 2: Trump's Twitter Blocks Violate First Amendment

Trump's Twitter Blocks Violate First Amendment

President Trump blocked numerous critics on Twitter.  Public Officials should not be on social media to do anything other than post pictures of them and their families, however, we know that President Trump would not agree with me. As most of us know, Trump posts pretty much whatever he wants, and it seems as though no one is monitoring what he does post.  A lot of the things he says are not things that the leader of our country should be saying.  Anyone who is as bold as this man will get many critics, as you can not please everyone.  The Supreme Court decided that President Trump was violating the first amendment blocking these critics.  This is because he Tweets are about administration and different policies that he passes.  Every citizen has the right to see those posts, because it does have to do with what is going on with our country. The Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional, and made it so the President can defend himself less through the use of social media.

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