Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Week 5 Blog Post


The people on the sites make a lot of great points against war and our strong presence in other countries that they see as unnecessary and I agree with a lot of them.  However, there are many comments on the government spending less money on military.  People believe this should happen because there are countries around the world with very limited armed forces like Costa Rica or no militaries like Liechtenstein who are doing what appears to be just fine.  However, limiting our spending on military is a horrible idea because of the target we have put on our backs.  Yes, if we could go back in time, I would be on board, but if we limited it now, we would be sitting ducks.  Do I agree with our spending on military, as well as our involvement in other countries, no I do not.  But under the circumstances we have put ourselves in, I believe that it is necessary.   There is one specific article about Trump wanting to get all of the troops out of Afghanistan.  This is a wonderful idea that I feel as though most people would be thrilled with, however, in every war, soldiers go missing, getting injured or are captured.  Leaving these troops behind would just be morally wrong. They will think that their country is giving up on them and abandoning them.

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