Monday, May 4, 2020

Final Post: Relationship with Technology

Museum of the City of New York - [People waiting in line for the ...
People waiting in line for the Futurama ride

       How old should kids be to get phones?

Final Blog Post

        It is crazy to think that people would ever wait that long for a ride like that.  I understand that it was fun and amazing at the time, however, with the technology and production value we have now, you would probably have to pay me to go on that ride.  I realize this makes me seem like a "dumb kid" who does not know how to enjoy things from our past, but I guess that is just what I am.  In the beginning when the astronaut jumped on the moon,  I thought the video froze because it moved nothing like an actual human would.  At first, I thought that the ride was based on the Futurama show that is on today.  I was so shocked because I did not think that the show was even close to that old, and I ended up being right about that.  
        In regards to the Mad World Remix, obviously it was extreme, however, all of the points made were accurate.  This world is now completely technology based regardless of the situation.  We figured out how to make sports technology based, with all of the new review systems when there is a close play, where I think user error from the referees is part of the game.  People do not know how to live in the moment.  No matter where you go there is someone not enjoying or absorbing a moment they are in.  For example, walking to class on HPU.  I am guilty of this but, with our beautiful campus, we should not be on our phones walking to class.  We should be looking around, enjoying the scenery, talking and smiling to our peers.  Another great example is, this past year I went to a Juice Wrld concert in Atlanta.  The whole time he was performing, everyone had their phones out and was recording every second of it.  I am proud to say I only recorded a part of my favorite song.  It is crazy to think that people would rather watch a low quality video of the concert on their phone later, rather than just enjoying the moment.  People enjoy showing off to others that they are at a frat party or a concert or a parade, then actually living these events.  I understand completely documenting a memory, but a majority people my age and younger, take it way too far.  Yes, I am on my phone a lot, but when something truly memorable is happening, I put my phone away and soak it in while maybe taking a quick picture or video every to remember it.
         Cyberbullying is a huge issue in the world today because of the different social media platforms, and because everything is online now.  Especially being a Game Dev major, as well as an avid gamer, I am very familiar with cyberbullying.  If you ever talk to the other people in your game, there will almost always be toxic behavior coming from other random people, for absolutely no reason.  Players will get unnecessarily angry when other people they do not even know, insult them.  It makes no sense honestly.  Some random guy on Call of Duty will call someone fat without ever even seeing the other person, and the other guy will be truly offended.  Cyberbullying is obviously apparent in social media with many debatable subjects being brought up.  Twitter and Facebook are full of political debates between people who have no idea what they are talking about, which leads to fights and then cyberbullying.  Instagram is full of people posting pictures of themselves, that look nothing like themselves, which leads to cyberbullying for that reason, because people are self conscious about what they look like.    

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