Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 13: Audit Your Online Presence

Guide to tracking your digital footprint | Techno FAQ

My online footprint is rather large.  No I am not saying I am adding anything substantial to the public, but I do take part in a large amount of online applications and websites.  I do have accounts to pretty much every kind of social media.  This includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Youtube and Snapchat.  I do not post much on these sites, I am more of an observer.  I mostly just use these sites to stay in touch with friends, as well as finding humorous content.  Another online accessory I am big into is the gaming community.  I have an account on the main ones being Xbox, Playstation and Twitch.  I have accounts and play games on them, creating some content for others to view by recording highlight worthy events that occur while playing.  Twitch is a streaming site for gaming, where famous streamers can post their live gaming sessions.  I also have different websites specifically for career building.  This includes LinkedIn,, Github, Wix, Blogger, One Drive and Google Drive.  These I use specifically for doing work for school and work in the future.  These are services in which I can share my game developments with my group members, or with employers.  Wix is where I have a personal website about the games I have developed, as well as my strengths as an employee.  This blog that I am currently posting on is another social media presence I have.  I also am included in a lot of newspapers and high school sports websites because I was an all-conference soccer player.  I have a soccer recruiting page including my statistics throughout high school, and how I performed in my four years of high school varsity soccer.  Weirdly enough, I have a Twitter account made about me and I have no knowledge as to who runs it.  Anyone who looked at my social media accounts would see me as someone who is not on social media all that much.  They would also see me as a very sarcastic person, because I do respond to other peoples posts jokingly often.  Another thing about me people would notice, is that I refuse to include profanity on anything with my name on it.  I do not swear, and I attempt to be the least amount of controversial I can be.  I do not wish my name to be involved in anything like that, as I know social media is how people will portray me, if they do not know me in person.  The only site that I believe has my phone number is LinkedIn.  This is in case any employers would like to reach me for any reason with questions.  Almost all sites require a valid email but the site does not generally display this email unless there is a reason to.  

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