Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 15: EOTO Illusory Truth Act

The illusory truth effect on social media & How it affects you

The Illusory Truth Effect is something that we most likely have all been influence by.  When something is being forced into your brain over and over, you will believe it is true.  I remember as a kid, my parents and teachers would tell me about this all the time.  If I said something mean to one of my friends, my parents would tell me that if I said it to them enough, they would start to think that it is true.  Another example of this would be being raised in a racist household.  Racism is obviously very wrong, but racists do exist.  If a kid who does not know any better, is being told that people with different skin colors are lesser than the race he is, then he is going to believe it, and I do not see that as his fault.  Yes people can have their own views, but if you are being told your whole life that something is fact, you are going to see it that way, right or wrong.  Beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, which makes it hard to break the cycle.  I have personally watched this effect people, mostly when dealing with sports and what players are believed to be good and bad.  This effects our society because is is based completely on beliefs.  Our society is based on what we see as "good morals" and what we as a community see as right and wrong.  

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