Monday, May 4, 2020

Week 16: EOTO

COVID-19 is reported to be responsible for almost 70,000 deaths in the United States.  The graphic above shows that these are heavily inflated.  86% of the people who die due to the Corona Virus, have something else effecting them.  What medical officials are required to do is mark any deaths that include COVID at all, as a death due to the Corona Virus.  People that have any of the comorbidities above, are more vulnerable to catching viruses like this one, and are much more likely to die from them.  Many heavy Republicans believe that Democrats are inflating these numbers to make it look like Donald Trump is not taking care of his country.  No I do not believe that it is Democrats setting up Trump to look bad.  I think that there is nothing really you can do about this pandemic.  What is Trump supposed to do to save the lives of these people?  He does not have the answers to this just like everyone else in the world.  No one knows what the best option is about COVID, despite every one thinking that they do.  As little as we know about the virus, we do know that it does not cause the illnesses above.   

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